Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanks giving!

Yesterday we made a short run to Vero Beach about 35NM (nuatical miles) where we are tied to a mooring ball.  It was quite windy on our way here we saw 35 knots of wind We even managed to put up the sails and our boat got up to 9 knots which is not bad at all...

When we came in we tied up at the station and got some water, we did not fill up with diesel as we still have half a tank and more diesel in our jars. There are washers and driers so maybe we may wash some clothes here. There is also a small club house conveniently located close to where the bus stops so you could just sit inside and watch for the bus; which worked really well yesterday because it was so chili and we needed to wait for the bus to go to Publix.

After tying to a mooring ball we  took a bus (they have free shuttles to various places)which is very convenient for us now that we don't have a car. We made our way to publix and to to TJMaxx, it was nice to get back on land after 3 days of being on water.

Today we woke up to a lovely yellow sun shining through and warming us up after a chili night. We are still at Vero Beach on a mooring ball, this marina is a quiet place, no wonder no one wants to leave.

 Someone at the marina organized a potluck....we probably will stay on the boat and have a Chowaniok style thanks giving dinner. The kids are out on the kayak, they are taking turns as we  only have one kayak. In the morning, Anthony and Jordan put the trash in the dingy and took it to the trash bin....Right now we are working on small projects on the boat.

Happy thanksgiving to all

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